By clicking “Accept”, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Basics of local tax, accounting and legal rules in Poland; Access our expert's calendars directly to book your free 1 hour expert talk! I a non-EU citizen living in Poland. Can I work with that TRC in the Netherlands for one month? In poland they will apply for trc, with in three months, mean while can we work for part time if yes how much we can earn, it will be suitable to live after getting trc we can work full time, what willmb3 the basic salary for normal jobs, like sales or assistance, sir please reply me it depends to my life, The legislation, which has drawn condemnation from the European Union, bars judges from questioning judicial appointments made by the president and forbids them from engaging in … Applicants for residence permits cards (Karta Pobytu) are experiencing massive delays these days.People who have been waiting for their permit for over a year, people getting their residence permit card only to see that it will expire the next week and they have to apply again…These are true tragedies for some. I have TRC for 3 years. Labour Law and Employment in Poland – 2020 Guide. 6 Aug 2020 #1. 17 Feb 2020. Basis – Residents are taxed on their worldwide income. If the new court rules that the tech censors have removed accounts or deleted posts for speech which is legal under Polish law, they must be restored — or the social media firms involved will face fines of as much as 1.8 million euros, enforced by the Slavic country’s Office of Electronic Communications, according to reports. Women's rights activists in Croatia reckon with a hard fight against the new law but are sure they will win. For further information on entry requirements and current visa information, please contact the consular section of the Embassy of Poland, 2224 Wyoming Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008, (202) 499-1700, or a Polish consulate in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, or Houston. UPDATE May, 13th 2020. It is issued where I a working in Poland. The Prime Minister of Poland announced the third phase of steps to ease COVID-19 restrictions. Poland Highlights 2020 Page 4 of 11 Residence – An individual is resident if his/her center of personal or economic interest is in Poland or if he/she stays in Poland for more than 183 days in the tax year (these rules may be modified under certain tax treaties). pawian 173 | 13,265. TRC is a global construction and engineering consulting firm that provides technology-enabled solutions to the power, oil & gas, environmental and infrastructure markets. 21.08.2020 Amendment of the Polish Act on the posting of workers is going to come into force on 4 September 2020 (14 days after publication in the Journal of Laws). Information for the foreigner on the rules and the procedure and of his rights and obligations Intra-corporate transfer Citizens of the EU with families ... some new employer must obtain a new work permit for you. Two notable changes include but may not be limited to: As of May 8 th, 2020: - Opening of hair salons and barbershops. @pawian I have work permit. OP Hpatel95 . New legislation has been proposed that would set Poland’s national framework governing posted workers. Clients will require a prior appointment, and specific safety rules must be observed. 6 Aug 2020 #3. New rules for posting workers to Poland effective from September 4, 2020.