He started to sketch something, paused then leaned forward with more interest and continued. " The commercial caught my interest. " "Something tells me it's in your best interest to help me regain my power," Jule noted. The total cost was $10, 000, plus 14%, 16. "Charming!" Dean wasn't anxious for Westlake to pursue the conversation and was relieved that the subject apparently held no interest for him. At first Prince Andrew read with his eyes only, but after a while, in spite of himself (although he knew how far it was safe to trust Bilibin), what he had read began to interest him more and more. All these conversations, especially the joking with the girls, were such as might have had a particular charm for Petya at his age, but they did not interest him now. interests in a sentence - Use "interests" in a sentence 1. Beit Jibrin is in the centre of a district of great archaeological interest. Didn't the Boston ladies have any interest in the other items you're donating to the museum? Whether the intelligence and efficiency of the officials charged by the state with the handling of its railway system will be sufficient to make them act in the interest of the public as fully as do the managers of private corporations, is a question whose answer can only be determined by actual experience in each case. c i t. Amongst the places of interest round Marienbad is the basaltic rock of Podhorn (2776 ft.), situated about 3 m. His chief interest from the first, however, lay in the religious question. There are also two large chapels, containing altars, ornaments, &c., in rock-salt, a room called the dancing saloon (Tanzsaal), where the objects of interest found in the mines are kept; the Kronleuchtersaal, and the chamber Michatovice are also worth mention. Two medieval castles rise above the town, and there are some churches of interest. She bends over her book with a look of intense interest, and as the forefinger of her left hand runs along the line, she spells out the words with the other hand; but often her motions are so rapid as to be unintelligible even to those accustomed to reading the swift and varied movements of her fingers. There was something more than interest in his gaze. Lotze's historical position is of much interest. The stories about his personal life add interest to the book. Public interest centred for some years round the allegation that he lived a double life and was identical with Mr T. The scenery in and about the city is noted for its picturesqueness, and this, with its delightful summer climate and historic interest, attracts a large number of visitors during the summer season. The woman turned, interest then puzzlement on her serene, chiseled features. And this movement of reconstruction of which Prince Andrew had a vague idea, and Speranski its chief promoter, began to interest him so keenly that the question of the army regulations quickly receded to a secondary place in his consciousness. Their interest for the laity lies ' An ukaz of 1879 gave the governors the right to report secretly on the qualifications of candidates for the office of justice of the peace. The Myrmecobius of Western Australia is a bushy-tailed ant-eater about the size of a squirrel, and from its lineage and structure of more than passing interest. Interest in a sentence 1. After the Irish rebellion of 1641 the Protestant interest for a time was ruined. The chief external interest, however, of the new financial policy of the Commonwealth lay in its relation towards the empire as a whole. The serious feature of the situation lay less in the income than in the intangible expenditure, namely, the vast sums required for interest on the various forms of public debt and for pensions. Prince Andrew spoke with some animation and interest only of the new homestead he was constructing and its buildings, but even here, while on the scaffolding, in the midst of a talk explaining the future arrangements of the house, he interrupted himself: "And of state interest to some extent," said Prince Andrew. Without a doubt they shared an interest in animals. Another way to say Show Interest? Comparative Migration Studies. The chief place of interest to the antiquary is Devenish Island in Lough Erne, about 2 m. Nearly akin to these are several other forms of little but botanical interest; not _ far removed is the black or dyer's oak, F rom Isotschy op. To them the words of Miloradovich seem very interesting, and so do their surmises and the rewards this or that general received; but the question of those fifty thousand men who were left in hospitals and in graves does not even interest them, for it does not come within the range of their investigation. Some guy, who obviously had more interest in her than the art, got a little touchy-feely. Ask your partner what’s going on with him or her. The monastic buildings required for public purposes have been made over to the communal and provincial authorities, while the same authorities have been entrusted with the administration of the ecclesiastical revenues previously set apart for charity and education, and objects of art and historical interest have been consigned to public libraries and museums. Sasha left without even a smartass remark, and Rhyn rose, gazing with interest across the hall. course of construction, guaranteed interest on the bonds of the companies and arranged for the division of revenue between the companies, the reserve fund and the state. Yesterday she had alienated the only person in Arkansas who had shown the slightest interest in her plight. Under the heading "Remarks" are noted (for vessels with sail power) making, shortening and trimming sails; and (for all ships) employment of crew, times of passing prominent landmarks, altering of course, and any subject of interest and FIG. In the interest of definition: for the sake of | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Each country is described with particular regard to its people as well as to its surface, and the prominence given to the human element is of special interest. New friends gathered round him who took a keen interest in his researches. Xander crossed his arms, his head tilted in interest as he listened. Indeed, all parents showed interest for school and its paramount role in defining their children's future. The 13th earl of Eglinton also set an example of active interest which many magnates emulated. Although the financial operations of the Commonwealth and the states are quite distinct, a statement of the total revenue of the Australian Commonwealth and states is not without interest as showing the weight of taxation and the different sources from which revenue is obtained. If you can't interest the family in the sights, you're sure to succeed with a warm, delicious bowl of lobster or clam bisque at one of the many seaside restaurants. Synonyms for Show Interest (other words and phrases for Show Interest). Interest was rarely charged on advances by the temple or wealthy landowners for pressing needs, but this may have been part of the metayer system. That the godling with the hormones of a teen might have more of an interest in the girl never crossed Xander's mind. showing interest. 5. Fred's level of interest was sky-high when he learned Dean had been assigned the Byrne disappearance. The interest and the conversation are about costume and manners chiefly; but a goose is a goose still, dress it as you will. I am interested in you. She held her breath and stayed still, praying their interest was passing, and they'd move on. In addition the increased size of the American freight car has diminished the interest on the first cost and the expenses of maintenance relatively to the work done; it has diminished to some extent the amount. Many translated example sentences containing "show interest for" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. But his interest in theology had not abated, and his thoughts found an outlet in".occasional preaching. (with) " I saw a growing interest from the teenagers. " was childless, and the disposal of his inheritance became a question of great interest to the European powers. They didn't show any interest in the bones. First of all, the object of the active voice sentence becomes the subject of the passive voice sentence, me-> I. Its existence was well-nigh forgotten by the people of Australia until the occurrence of its biennial meetings, and even then but slight interest was taken in its proceedings. The cycle reversed as interest rates fell and economies hit bottom. The bird fauna is of considerable interest, the finest species of the upper zone being an eagle-owl, met with at 14,000 ft. Giddon was silent, giving all his attention to his food, but Tammy watched Lisa with interest, twirling her fork in her eggs and squirming in her chair. I wouldn't ask but I think it's in your best interest to do so. Something told her that the interest of a man … creature like him was not a good thing. If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him, an investment in knowledge always pays the best, 30. Difficult as it was to believe he was involved in something like this, it was even harder to believe he had no interest in her. Fortune often rewards with interest those that have patience to wait for her. Dean grabbed his coat, glad to be doing something that took his mind off Vinnie Baratto, Arthur Atherton and the fact he and Cynthia Byrne were items of interest to some very nasty people. Once only do we find him taking an interest in the affairs of his neighbours, - to ask pardon from the government for a homicide.'. displaying interest for. 2 Finally, in the towns every house is provided with a detective policeman in the person of the porter (dvornik), who is charged with the duty of reporting to the police the presence of any suspicious characters or anything else that may interest them .3 In addition to the above there is also a police organization, in direct subordination to the ministry of the interior, of which the principal function is the discovery, pre vention and extirpation of political sedition. Walmer Castle was for long the official residence of the lord warden, but has, since the resignation of Lord Curzon in 1903, ceased to be so used, and those portions of it which are of historic interest are now open to the public. Andy brought a travel brochure home since he thought a trip to the Bahamas might interest his wife. If they pay the tax from a mistaken interest in the individual taxed, to save his property, or prevent his going to jail, it is because they have not considered wisely how far they let their private feelings interfere with the public good. (Don't get me wrong: even though Ivies don't track DI, it's still a good idea to interview, visit campus, and learn about each school you're applying to, just make sure you’re spending your time wisely.) For the Rostov family the whole interest of these preparations for war lay in the fact that Nicholas would not hear of remaining in Moscow, and only awaited the termination of Denisov's furlough after Christmas to return with him to their regiment. de Tencin, but they are above all of interest in the picture they afford of the writer's own tenderness and fidelity. About 80,000 went in payments on all the estates to the Land Bank, about 30,000 went for the upkeep of the estate near Moscow, the town house, and the allowance to the three princesses; about 15,000 was given in pensions and the same amount for asylums; 150,000 alimony was sent to the countess; about 70,000 went for interest on debts. Hearing that she once had a goat dairy might have piqued his interest, though. Immediately after his release Kossuth married Teresa Meszleny, a Catholic, who during his prison days had shown great interest in him. Present participle for to feel sympathy or empathy for the suffering of others. Now why do you suppose he'd interest them? "It's an interesting tattoo," another said with forced interest. The mosaics of the choir (547) are due to Justinian, and, though inferior in style, are remarkable for their splendour of colouring and the gorgeous dresses of the persons represented, and also for their historical interest, especially the scenes representing the emperor and the empress Theodora presenting offerings. He was quiet long enough to rouse her interest, and she glanced up to determine the cause of his silence. Communal revenues are drawn from the proceeds of communal property, interest upon capital, taxes and local dues. With the exception of the dockyards and fortifications there are few objects of interest. To a less degree, the same is true of railways built for a special instead of a general commercial interest. Could it be that his stoic personality was the very thing that kept her interest perked? The theological interest which attaches to the idea of the preAaronic king-priest in these typical applications is practically independent of the historical questions suggested by the narrative of Gen. Archbishop Longley said in his opening address, however, that they had no desire to assume "the functions of a general synod of all the churches:in full communion with the Church of England," but merely to "discuss matters of practical interest, and pronounce what we deem expedient in resolutions which may serve as safe guides to future action.". Owen Roe professed to be acting in the interest of Charles I.; but his real aim was the complete independence of Ireland, while the AngloNorman Catholics represented by the council desired to secure religious liberty and an Irish constitution under the crown of England. I send you with this letter a pretty book which my teacher thinks will interest you, and my picture. More important than all was the interest of the Roman curia, composed almost exclusively of Italians, to retain in its own hands the choice of the pontiff and to maintain the predominance 01 the Italian element and the Italian spirit in the ecclesiastical hierarchy. Martha asked, showing the first glimmer of interest since being told of her forced departure. ~x ndl- The sum paid in interest on debt amounted to 17,640,000. No on both counts but he's been a person of interest in the past, because of his associates. Its grey houses have a neglected, almost a dilapidated appearance, from the friable stone of which they are constructed; and there are no buildings of antiquarian interest or striking architectural beauty, except, perhaps, the ruined citadel and the remnants of the town walls. The public buildings of chief interest are the kasbah, the government offices (formerly the British consulate), the palaces of the governor-general and the archbishop - all these are fine Moorish houses; the "Grand" and the "New" Mosques, the Roman Catholic cathedral of St Philippe, the church of the Holy Trinity (Church of England), and the Bibliotheque Nationale d'Alger - a Turkish palace built in 1799-1800. He had grown accustomed when going into action to think about anything but what would seem most likely to interest him--the impending danger. 19 examples: Of keen interest to the author are risks associated with mandatory individual… Psychical Research they took a keen interest in her education will be no ordinary.. Capital and interest `` they listened with interest. passive voice sentence, how to Use it think Gerald had interest! Payment or dividend, and attention to a subject depends upon our 10! 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