Like this time the Thai government just nailed it by offering Thai citizenship to 80,000 stateless people. Many foreign restaurant owners offer by-the-glass wine promotions to attract diners. ''+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); Duty Rates. Thailand uses the cost, insurance, freight—or CIF—to calculate the value of incoming packages. as an aside, I while the Investment category exists on paper, I don’t think anyone has successfully applied for it. When to apply is the tricky bit. Be warned however that these officials will be very hesitant to accept an application which they know will have little chance of being accepted by the consideration committee. The backlog of PR and Citizenship approvals has been dealt with, and we know based on anecdotal evidence that approvals are coming through about 18-20 months following your first application. Is there any requirement to stay working (WP and taxes) for a certain time frame AFTER the PR application date (or PR approval date)? Though I was naturalized to the US, Thailand had always considered me a citizen. Today, we’ll look at Thailand’s visa policies for US citizens and help you figure out how to get the Thailand visa you need for your trip! Well, this you will figure as you go through this article. A lot of foreigners think it’s nearly impossible to get Thai Citizenship, but it’s not. You’ll need to go have a chat with the PR desk and explain your situation. Despite the uncertainty which comes from not knowing when your application will finally be approved, there is one huge upside. There is no annual fee and no age restriction. Based on the current rate of approval, this shouldn’t be too long. It is also fair to say that they will be looking applicants who’s own companies are legitimately trading profitably, with a good track record over a number of years. You can apply for Thai citizenship if you are working in Thailand or are married with a Thai spouse and/or have a child born in Thailand. Woah! How to receive Thai Passport All Thai passport is produced from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Consular Department in Bangkok, Thailand and distribute via air mail to many countries around the world including Los Angeles. By ‘early’ we mean, going in June of the year you want to apply. Where to apply is easy – the immigration department handles applications, but like most things to do with PR and citizenship, Bangkok is the place to do it. There is, however, one other residency program I would consider first: the Thai real estate investment residency.The reality is that there are really only two paths toward being able to live in Thailand long-term. Filing Your Application File your application with the Ministry of the Interior. The picture on the left is an example of the 6 monthly extension, and while you are waiting for you PR to be approved, you will need to keep getting this extension of stay stamped in your passport every half year. } Be 18 years old or older and have reached legal majority in your country of origin. Foreign women married to Thai husbands are able to apply for Thai citizenship after as little as one year of marriage. Although it costs USD 55.00, it's really worth it. Duty rates are based on the CIF total value: Item Value: $100 Shipping: $20 Insurance: $30 Total CIF: $150 If successful, you’ll be required to pay 191,400 baht. This is for Thai citizens & the most common passport valid for 5 years. Thai Dual Citizenship: Yay or Nay? } Diplomatic passport is free of charge. }); You can also subscribe without commenting. Check out our personal account where we take you through in detail the steps - and the ins and outs of getting citizenship based on marriage to a Thai husband. Diplomatic passport is free of charge. else if ((width < 1200) && (width >= 768)) { Based on lots of anecdotal information however, you stand a pretty good chance of being accepted for PR if the following apply to you: If you are working as an employee for a mid-sized to larger company, Thai or foreign, your chances of gaining Thai PR will be pretty good. Applicants must present all original documents in person, along with an application fee of 5,000 Baht. Dual citizenship is restricted in Thailand. Thanks for your message. googletag.defineSlot('/1015136/MPU2_300x250', [300, 250], 'div-gpt-ad-1319640445841-4').setCollapseEmptyDiv(true).addService(googletag.pubads()); If married to a Thai citizen, you know you are eligible to skip PR and go for citizenship. At the end of the day, you still need work permits etc, so for most, going via the business route is much easier with alot less of a paperwork burden. However, even if the government or minister changes and they are less forthcoming in granting PR on a regular basis, your stay in Thailand won’t be affected until a decision is finally made. Retirement Visas. //