Guess he has a lot of moments to saber. Yes, but being able to land a hit or damge grevious with this tk is certainly debatable given grevious's speed+durability(being unaffected by a ship exploding, walking through talzin's weakened force shield, tanking turbofire canon fire ect.). Otherwise I could argue Ti's ability to stalemate 12 magnaguards puts her above Anakin or try to use ahsoka being bale to beat 3 magna guards as a rookie as a metric for ahsoka and anakin being comparable. And maul was not distracted when he pushed grevious who still was. Darth Bandon . Out of the fighter came a Dathomirian with red skin and horns followed by two Mandalorian's. e actually cut down two with a single strike. Absolutely replicate what? Death Battle Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Given that Ahsoka even as of season 3 was capable of landing hits on mid tcw anakin, this is hardly a low showing. Maul has moved at 75 mph, killed five Tuskens in the blink of an eye, moved in a blur (unpercievably.) He noticed Maul entering the room, he saw Maul TK his droids and still was tackled. Not all a bad showing. Sorry if I am not using the quote and unquote thing but I am on my iPad so I don't have as much as options (that I know of). Yet again, if maul could do this to grevious when he wasn't off guard, you'd have a point. That is the same word. Der Rat entsandte Obi-Wan Kenobi. If he isn't, tho, much weaker opponents than Maul (Padawan Ahsoka Tano, Adi Gallia, Eeth Koth) have kept up with and, in Tano and Koth's case, have TKd Grievous, so Maul can certainly TK Grievous. Then link the video you're talking about. Daakman Barrek, Sha'a Gi and Tarr Seirr were featless. Grevious mastered all 7 forms, was able to teach his magna guards all 7 forms, matched tcw kenobi in spite of a form disadvantage, was able to at moments press dooku in spite of dooku having the advantage of having taught grevious and even briefly stalemated mace inspte of an enviromental disadvantage before being bfr'd via force. Robbie:Look at this a little girl, a blue guy, and a dog with a sword. Grievous was just chilling watching the battle, Maul barged into the room. More droids had come and shot his two body guards followed by a towering metallic creature. Additionally grevious's extensive knowledge of all 7 forms and ability to replicate his opponents fighting styles, almost instantly adapt to his opponents, and his ability to overload kenobi's superior defensive technique all indicate all are points in grevious's favor. Force Lightning is the trademark ability of sufficiently powerful Dark Side users, for it's raw, untamed power is a… Darth Maul and General Grievous are two of the most memorable foes from the Star Wars prequel trilogy. Mastering all forms does not mean you have more skill. Half a minute more and he'd tire out completely. Yes. Dara Asberry. In SoD when Maul tackled him. Maul is Boosted from Prison, Reunited with the Darksaber, and Battles Grievous Maul Lays Trap for Count Dooku & General Grievous on Ord Mantell Chancellor Palpatine Sends Jedi Forces Against Darth Maul as Count Dooku and General Grievous Are Under His Capture Darth Maul Regains Possession of the Dark Lightsaber (“Darksaber”) and Wields it in the Clone Wars [Maul Monday] Using the force he threw the gunship into a fire, making a huge noise. Shock: Grievous later lost the chancellor and his flagship Invisible Hand so he had to retreat to Utapau only for Kenobi to track him their. Magnaguards are fodder to grevious, maul being able to blitz fodder isn't remotely relevant to a 1 v 1 battle vs a duelist of comparable(and likely superior) capabilities. Given that Ahsoka even as of season 3 was capable of landing hits on mid tcw anakin, this is hardly a low showing. Grevious has already shown this vs maul in sod. Shock: He was chosen by the most skilled Sith lord at the time, Darth Sidious, and as a child was skilled in combat. Also, meaning they are medium. Maul, dodged but the force not only broke the speeder in two but pushed Maul back. Grievous also developed a personal vendetta against the Galactic Republic during the war, as the government supported to the Yam'rii. Grievous was just chilling watching the battle, Maul barged into the room. General grievous is not complete. He was almost done when Maul also snapped and cut off his previously injured arm. This is exactly ehat happens int he comic. Two Grievous was trained by Darth Tyrannus to avoid force moves plus once he stuck his toes in the ground and survived a force below which is far stronger than many of Maul's attacks. These shamans learn to manipulate the Force blast power that is second nature to all their people, using it to much greater effect. And based on what would koth not have lost to grevious without the help of the magnaguards? Grievous can crush beskar with his bare hands and rip durasteel like paper, and is physically strong enough to ragdoll Durge, so it would be an uphill battle even if he could (which I doubt). Angered Grevious then let a full power kick brake off some of Maul's teeth and send him flying on top of a speeder bike 15 feet away. Darth Cognus. Please give me a source for talzin's shield only affecting lightning? Said energy attacks also affect and can be affected by matter. 5 years ago | 32 views. Grievous was completely fresh and he got stabbed by a dying Gungan. But I don't think most battles include spontaneous rage amps. Moving faster than kenobi can register, moving faster than ti can react, and overloading kenobi's soresu are all way more telling and more impresiive. Just landing a tk hit on him isn't an autowin. 58. Darth Maul, Count Dooku, and General Grievous. Forum > Versus Threads board > General Grievous vs Darth Maul (Closed) Schnee One closed this thread because: Concluded. If this is composite canon/legends or legends the case for that becomes much weaker, which it is because this thread was made 8 years ago. MEDIUM is what? The impact sent Obi-Wan tumbling sideways and the electroburst discharge set his robe on fire. When did I ever lowball Grievous? , in Tano and Koth's case, have TKd Grievou. In the Tatooine fight, Maul had a leg injury and still was beating, after fifty seconds, the Jedi Master, who nearly passed out when he got on the ship. Trying to lowball grevious based on his tcw showings is a ridiculous and unnecessary argument. Was only killed because of an attack that used an outside factor and a surprise attack of a literal flip. Each Felucian shaman learns to manipulate his or her own natural abilities with the Force and can wield Force powers with greater skill than any other Felucian. I’m going to assume this happens after Maul has regained his sanity, (post - fight with Sidious) but before ROTS. Also, what I am trying to imply is that Maul can find an OPENING to TK Grievous. Anakin is indeputably superior to maul in every relevant category as well as grevious for that matter. Maul is also very powerful with the Force. Grevious steadily drove him back using only two blades, doesn't at a low showing. Besides tackling him isn't the same as actually hurting him. I said it can tank energy based attacks like Force Lightning. He leapt away from them narrowly. TCW vs. Grievous would slide Maul in a decent fight. As such, the same social hierarchy exists in every Felucian village. No. @03s7: Because Grievous >= Maul as a lightsaber duelist. Only in his low end feats. But he wins in a duel. Grevious can physically wreck maul just fine. Grevious,"Ahhhhh", and Maul brought up his blade striking the darksaber up to make a bigger cut along the General's face. The Four Armed Cyborg Warrior. Average Jedi Knight level? Unless this is on a platform of some kind, maul can't bfr grevious. Strength. Grevious was caught of guard and a headbutt to the chest squirted blood everywhere, causing the General to fall down in the now giant pile of blood. Doesn't mean he has too. Talzin restored his physicality. Grevious pulled out an electrostaff and swung at Maul, who countered with his double bladed lightsaber. I will make up a setting, so that the environment will not affect the battle outcome. Physically, Grievous might be stronger but Maul also has robotic legs and his physcial strength is also impressive. When did I ever lowball Grievous? Crossfire: Maul the Dathomirian sith trained from childhood. I never said otherwise. Maul>Fisto. Darth Maul was a Sith consumed by hatred, Count Dooku was a fallen Jedi, and General Grievous was a cyborg. 0. Kit Fisto and Asajj Ventress have outdueled Grievous. I'm not saying Maul will win easily. Before there was Vader..... there was these guys... EDIT: Thanks for the views and comments guys! He was also only making use of two of his arms, Two: He was using a random, hybrid style that the Jedi had zero knowledge of. Yes. Grevious was caught off guard but using his iron talons he gripped the ground and took out his blaster. Physically, Grievous might be stronger but Maul also has robotic legs and his physcial strength is also impressive. While Shaak had a great control of the native fauna and the planet's inhabitants she did not have control of the entire world. Im going with Maul, He could crush Grievious heart by using force crush if Im not mistaken but, Ill still go with him, unless he turns into a blinded arrogant zabrak, he should win. Maul was rage amped, but Sidious ignited his SABERS first. You can be good at all forms while your opponent is excellent at one or two. Grievous held his own against Mace Windu and kinda stalemated him but stalemating Windu for a period of time is well within Maul's scope of ability. I'm not saying Maul will win easily. And besides using grevious's fight vs ahsoka as a metric of maul being>grevious makes no sense because ahsoka was running after less than a minuite. I agree that Shaak is an equal or superior to Maul in the Force though. Shock: Wielding his iconic double bladed lightsaber and using fierce kicks and punches he gave the two Jedi trouble and killed Qui Gon but got sliced in half just as he was about to kill Kenobi. The last time we had seen the fight between Grievous and Maul was them locking blades and both looking at Sidious shocking Talzin. grevious is still incredibly fast and maul will be hard pressed to utilize tk vs grevious's randomized technique and he has to deal with grevious's speed and his incredible physical durability as well. Redneck Rowlet 2.0 Previous Guzzlord vs Dark Pit next Shock: Out of all of the foes obi Wan Kenobi's beaten these are the two ones who gave him the hardest trouble and have had robotic clawed legs. It might well be, but that doesn't at all imply maul is more skilled than grevious. Maul roared as his bone was being crushed, before using augmentation on a gap in the armor, causing a shortcircuit momentarily. Even if he does, THAT won't matter. He only talked and only moved his lightsaber when it was absolutely necessary. Follow. I have a question for you. I don't believe it's ever shown that she faced him. Grevious when he was attacking koth was steadily driving him back just with use of two of his lightsabers. 0 Kudos General Grievous vs Darth Maul. Satire is a non Force sensitive but holding her for two minutes without killing her or doing noticeable harm (suffocation) is impressive, meaning Maul is very skilled and trained at applying TK. Maul is superior to Fisto and Ventress too. With a convulsive snarl, Grievous lunged. Felucian shamans draw upon the power of the world around them for strength, and they train their fellow shamans to stay away from the dark side lest it corrupt the entire planet. Aayla was good, but she was tired nevertheless, and Grievous did not actually outduel her. Darth Millennial. If grevious had kept pressing his assault he logically would have won. Crossfire: Yep raised on Dathomir he was a strong child, and had a connection to the force like many in his species. Maul, once known as Darth Maul, was a Force-sensitive Dathomirian Zabrak male who established himself as a crime lord during the reign of the Galactic Empire. Grievous knew that the… Let’s put the whole Grievous versus anyone debate to bed. Crossfire: He was the best Jedi killer, but he had 1 rival who he could never kill Obi Wan fucking Kenobi! If you have more skill and more actual mastery of one form you can beat the other guy. Maul,"And that is how I deal with droids", and he stood up gloating in victory. FREE Shipping by Amazon. Maybe I exaggerated when I said Maul would win easily but he would not have a hard time. He did not outrun them as Grievous was already a good distance away from them, and they nearly caught him. 22:13, August 13, 2020. The Force was with him, and he knew. Only hinted at. that just helps my argument for grevious. Only when Maul was at his mercy did he smile. Qui-Gon Jinn might no longer be young, but he was still powerful. Maul and Grevious charged at each other only for their blades to cross however Maul force pushed the Kaleesh back. Average Jedi Knight level? Thats not remotely what a blitz is, and maul avoiding kenobi when he's charging in a straight line from a distance doesn't really prove anything other than Maul's being tactically smart(which grevious also is). Darth kraty. How? Daakman Barrek, Sha'a Gi and Tarr Seirr were featless. Crossfire: Despite being a force user Maul is an excellent marksman, and a skilled brawler. Grevious clenched his arm before growling and picking up his two lightsabers. Grievous can't defeat any Sith Lord barring Malak. One: Grievous took a bit of time to get up. So, I give Maul the obvious majority. Maul,"I have experienced worse", and he slice doff the armer on Grevious' low right arm before using the force to pick up a rock and throw it at the exposed metal. Directly or otherwise, they were the will of Emperor Palpatine, serving as a foil for the Republic while the Senator's influence slowly spread. $36.99 $ 36. Good for maul, not remotely applicable to grevious. 6 Piece Set – Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures. BruceTheBatman. Grevious was still completely unharmed from the attack. Maul also cut down one of the Order's best, Jedi weaponmaster Anoon Bondara. Not to repel sentient beings or droids. Shock: In size Maul is the size of the base man meanwhile Grevious is 7 foot 1 and 350 pounds. The shamans fear, and rightly so, that allowing a powerful agent of the dark side to live on their world will corrupt not only their fellow Felucians but the planet itself. Please, someone bringing up that fight in a serious argument is ridiculous and unnecessary. Enemies who underestimated him thought him a simple brute, but in truth, Moudama had mental agility to match his physical skills. Speed. In Tano's case, yes, but Tano was still a Padawan and not very impressive. Three members of the Council died in eight seconds while Maul landed a hit on Sidious and Sidious had to resort to TK to own Maul. Not to repel sentient beings or droids. He caught grevious off guard. Grevious is the superior duelist and has ways to compensate for the force disaadvantage, but maul has the use of the force. What you claim was not shown in the comic. obviously, can he as of tpm beat him easily? Crossfire: Meanwhile Maul had lost to padawan Kenobi, and has never beaten him without help. But Obi-Wan didn't need to think. Grevious looked at his kneeling foe and bent down, only for Maul to suddenly grab his chest armor and rip it open. These shamans are extremely careful about who they share their secrets with, and only a small handful of Force-users from other worlds have ever been trained by the Felucian shamans. @fodderfilth76: fair, still its alright when you quote the summaries of sources we do know about. As the apprentice of Darth Sidious, Maul was trained to be a living weapon of the Sith, one intended to help Sidious bring about the destruction of the Jedi and take over the galaxy. So does maul, getting tackled by a dog, not being able to finish off a bounty hnter, fighting evenly with visla, ect. Like losing to Gungans. Note that there was an opening in the wall and a platform for maul to take advantage off to bfr him. Main article: Talzin Mother Talzin is a Dathomir witch, the leader of the Nightsisters, and the mother of Darth Maul. Maul was also drawing strength from the injury and feeding off the pain so it cancels out. Who himself was outclassed by qui gon "qui gon humbled him". By that, do you mean Grievous is not close to actually managing to easily kill four MagnaGuards? He threw one blade up in the air, caught it in its fall and scored a cut on K'Kruhk (one that was NOT fatal. Grevious is superior to both. Disclaimer: I own nothing (unfortunately); all rights and characters in this fic belong to Disney, Lucasfilm, George Lucas and other respective owners and creators.I gain no profit from this; it's purely for fun. RELATED: 10 Lightsabers Better Than Darth Maul's (And 10 That Are Worse) Even after the Shadow Collective's eventual dissolution and Maul losing control of Death Watch during the Siege of Mandalore, the former Sith Lord escaped with his life and managed to … Mientras tanto, el Ministro Almec organiza la fuga de Maul y planea con la Madre Talzin matar a Darth Sidious mediante la captura del Conde Dooku y del General Grievous. This one is tough. 10. We're certainly thinking about different videos. You're referrng to 2:04. What you claim was not shown in the comic. He was knocked out for a few minutes, got up, and came back to the fight scene. Who caresif its fatal, kh'ruk lost, usinghim to lowball grevious doesn't make any sense because nothing about that was a low showing. Grevious has also tanked tk hits from maul, and iwndu. He was not holding back. I can sidestep a car that is coming at me, am I suddenly faster than a car now? Those few Felucians who show both interest and exceptional aptitude in the Force are usually trained in the ways of shamanism whether they want to be or not. Maul was carrying his brother Savage and exhausted from two lightsaber duels. Grievous had Four MagnaGuards, that was not a fair 1v1 and Koth still threw Grievous back. General Grievous, a cyborg and Supreme Commander of the Separatist Army, has hunted down and killed many Jedi in his lifetime. Tk Grievous because of Grievous ' chest, leaving him with a nasty! 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