The disaster that has been the care sector must surely be a warning that this can’t go and something drastic has to be done about the care service.”. It is crucial that the left in the union stand a united slate of candidates on a fighting programme as members work on the front line in the pandemic. Unison union elects first female leader, in boost for Keir Starmer. Beware of scam emails offering coronavirus vaccine and claiming to be from the NHS, Government gives go-ahead for the first research into rollout as clinicians criticise decision to delay the second dose of vaccine, Chiefs refuse to ban use of ‘unapproved’ force to restrain prisoners despite inmate’s violent death, Daughter of comic icon Chic Murray backs Sunday Post campaign for statue of Billy Connolly to sit alongside Big Yin’s lifelong hero, What have they got to hide? But if the Left territory in the union is going to be fought over, Mr Coyne seems to have calculated that he could - in a first-past-the-post contest - prevail. A new school uniform, a pair of shoes or something in the house breaking down and needing repaired was a big issue. He hopes to be the first candidate from a BAME background to take the top job. She said: “All we have to do is look to see what’s happened in the care sector. Under its outgoing leader Dave Prentis, the union backed Sir Keir Under its outgoing leader Dave Prentis, the union backed Sir Keir Starmer's successful Labour leadership bid. Christina McAnea, who has represented health and social care workers during the Covid-19 crisis, is the first woman to lead Unison, the public sector workers union. Unison general secretary Christina McAnea said: “It’s shocking to see that care and NHS staff are paying such a tragic price for doing their jobs. Christina McAnea elected Unison general secretary in boost for Keir Starmer 11 Jan 2021, noon Most analysis of Sir Keir Starmer’s relationship with the trade unions that fund, staff and to a large extent control the Labour Party focuses on the moods of Len McCluskey, the general secretary of Unite. Ms McAnea said it would be up to their union’s members how they voted on independence. … She takes up the post on 22 January. Christina McAnea elected first woman to lead UK’s biggest trade union Christina McAnea (PA Media) By The Newsroom. © DC Thomson Co Ltd 2021. There will be no central diktat. Unite is the biggest trade union funder of the Labour Party so whoever succeeds Len McCluskey as general secretary could determine how generous, or otherwise, it is in its contributions. Unison assistant general secretary Christina McAnea said: “Coronavirus is putting untold pressures on the NHS but the health and well-being of staff is a major concern. Unison boss stepping down after 20 years in role, Unite decides to cut Labour affiliation money, Stop wrangling over Corbyn, unions tell Labour, AstraZeneca-EU row escalates over vaccine shortage. Subscribe for only £5.49 a month and enjoy all the benefits of the printed paper as a digital replica. Dave Ward, CWU. In the care sector, most of them will be earning less than £10 an hour. She said: “This is a decision for our members in Scotland. Christina McAnea is currently an Assistant General Secretary for UNISON and previously the head of its NHS division. She has said she would stand when there is a vacancy. Christina McAnea has won the Unison election and becomes Unison’s first female General Secretary. The former head of health and assistant general secretary at UNISON tells : “I’m slightly bemused that we’re still at that stage. “The momentum is behind her. Get a round-up of stories from The Sunday Post every week. But in a low-turnout vote, Roger McKenzie, a … Christina McAnea is the favourite to succeed Dave Prentis, and to become the first woman to lead the union. Victory in Unison: Starmer and Labour moderates celebrate Christina McAnea win - The Hound for Reaction The UK’s largest trade union has elected its first female leader, handing a significant victory to the forces of moderation … Christina McAnea was last week elected as the new general secretary of Unison, the first woman to head one of Britain’s big four industrial unions. Christina McAnea (born 1958) is a British trade union leader. It’s been good to see an effective opposition against Boris Johnson at Westminster. McAnea, the frontrunner who is understood to have the support of the current union leadership, secured 29 votes on the union’s governing body compared to 26 for her closest challenger Paul Holmes. Di particolare rilevanza è stata in settimana l’elezione di Christina McAnea a capo del più grande sindacato britannico, Unison. Poverty is still very real in this country.”. As she takes over as the new UNISON general secretary, she is the first woman to lead one of the country’s major unions. She said: “I’m astonished that in 2021 we’re still starting sentences ‘the first woman to…’ I feel we should be past that by now, but clearly we’re not. The new leader of the UK’s largest trade union said the disaster that unfolded in care homes during the pandemic highlights the need for more investment in public services. Seen as an anti-Corbyn candidate by many members of Labour's parliamentary party last time round, he unsuccessfully challenged the union's internal electoral processes following his defeat in what was a particularly bitter contest. Time will tell.”. His chances of victory may be undermined by the fact that two other candidates - Paul Holmes and Hugo Pierre - have also been competing for the Left vote. Who's behind the recent killings in Iraq? Not contemplating our belly buttons.". 3h. And developments are expected soon in the country's second biggest union - Unite. We have a charity at Unison called There For You, which gives grants to members who need it for things like school uniforms or have a major crisis on their hands. Today, Christina McAnea makes history. “Keeping the rest of us safe is putting these workers at greater risk. But Ms Smith believes any campaign for the leadership of the union would appeal beyond that base by focusing on "the members' priorities: jobs, pay and terms and conditions. Ms McAnea grew up in the Drumchapel housing estate. The Glasgow-born negotiator has shown little interest in internal Labour machinations but is expected to be broadly supportive of Sir Keir Starmer, the party leader. Who's behind the recent killings in Iraq? © 2021 BBC. The fact that we’ve had so many deaths, that it was so difficult to get PPE. But, Mr Mackenzie's campaign was given a fillip when Mr Corbyn was suspended from the Parliamentary Labour Party, giving him a defining rallying cry. The expectation is that one of the assistant general secretaries, Christina McAnea, will prevail and become the first woman to lead the union. The pharmaceutical company is under pressure as production delays limit its supplies to the EU. This result will come as a relief to Prentis fans, as well as those of Keir Starmer as McAnea is expected to follow a similar political line to Prentis who endorsed Starmer and voted in his favour on the national executive committee. Unison, the UK's biggest trade union, has elected a woman as leader for the first time. Mr McCluskey still has not announced exactly when he will stand down and can stay in office until next year, but the election contest to succeed him is expected to take place this year. Christina McAnea won 47.7% of the vote and takes over as general secretary from Dave Prentis, who has been in the job since 2001. We never had holidays or things like that. “It’s the first time a woman is general secretary of one of the large industrial unions, so yes, it is a big deal and I think it will make a difference. By Iain WatsonPolitical correspondent, BBC News. It was entirely their decision. A friendly set of union general secretaries could be a major boost for Starmer as he seeks to develop his leadership this year. My campaign was ‘vote for me because of my experience and what I bring to the job’, which is I’ve been the lead negotiator for the union for many years. But it seems another candidate in the forthcoming Unite contest is about to emerge. She won almost half the votes in a ballot of members, beating three other candidates. “It’s more about bringing my experience, but obviously being a woman it means you come at things slightly differently. The last time our members and executive in Scotland decided to remain neutral and we supported that. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. “You end up with a workforce that has had no investment and therefore no training. Will it make a difference? While Christina McAnea, the candidate supported by outgoing general secretary Dave Prentis, has won, the potential has been shown for the union's right wing to be defeated. “Perhaps because of his legal training, Keir has that forensic ability to go through issues and hold the Prime Minister to account.”. Christina McAnea assumes the role as general secretary after winning 47.7% of the vote. Early life and education. Who's behind the recent killings in Iraq? Unison, one of Labour’s biggest donors, was the first union to back Sir Keir Starmer’s campaign to become the party’s leader after Jeremy Corbyn stepped down last year. Sit Keir Starmer says it "should not have taken social media to shame the PM into action" over free school meals. Brussels wants the power to freeze British companies, and especially the fishing industry, out of the Brexit trade deal and the Single Market, if EU fishermen are shut out of UK waters in the future. He led a left-wing walkout (or a zoom 'switch off') from the NEC in November, denouncing what he called "Keir Starmer's factionalism". But in a low-turnout vote, Roger McKenzie, a … Christina McAnea, one of the union’s assistant general secretaries, faces a challenge from counterpart Roger McKenzie, who has been backed by Corbyn. ... Christina McAnea, will prevail and become the first woman to lead the union. You can’t save money when you’re earning £10 an hour. By Andrew Woodcock, Andrew Woodcock. The United Left faction is backing Steve Turner, an assistant general secretary who has declared he does not want "a war of attrition" with the Labour leadership. There’s a different dynamic because most of the unions that we deal with are still fairly male-dominated. Holocaust Memorial Day 2021: 'It's sad when I sit there alone' Video, Holocaust Memorial Day 2021: 'It's sad when I sit there alone', ‘It was a major women’s revolution’ Video, ‘It was a major women’s revolution’, Gymnast's 'black excellence' routine goes viral, Arrivals from Covid hotspots face hotel quarantine, Juno actor Elliot Page to divorce Emma Portner, England's schools will not reopen before March, Biden raises election meddling in call with Putin, Vaccine plant evacuated over suspicious package, Bank boss gets $10m pay cut for Malaysia scandal. That’s what happens, I think, when you leave what is essentially a public service almost entirely up to the market. Starmer has his preferred general secretary, David Evans, in office and a majority on the ruling National Executive Committee. Christina McAnea, one of the union’s assistant general secretaries, faces a challenge from counterpart Roger McKenzie, who has been backed by Corbyn. Breaking news headlines about Chris Whitty, linking to 1,000s of sources around the world, on NewsNow: the one-stop shop for breaking news The candidate Len McCluskey beat in the Unite leadership election in 2017 - Gerard Coyne - has thrown his hat in the ring again. ... Christina McAnea, assistant general secretary, has notched up more than 100 nominations so far. Christina McAnea elected first woman to lead UK's biggest trade union Unison. This is more important than ever, in order to challenge the new general secretary Christina McAnea. Christina McAnea is the favourite to succeed Dave Prentis, and to become the first woman to lead the union. Under its outgoing leader Dave Prentis, the union backed Sir Keir Starmer's successful Labour leadership bid. Holocaust Memorial Day 2021: 'It's sad when I sit there alone' VideoHolocaust Memorial Day 2021: 'It's sad when I sit there alone', The child environmentalist receiving death threats, ‘It was a major women’s revolution’ Video‘It was a major women’s revolution’. Christina McAnea, who was an assistant general secretary at the union, won 47% of the vote, seeing off three challengers from the left of the Labour movement. All Rights Reserved. The UK’s largest trade union and Labour’s biggest donor, Unison, has elected its first female leader, in a boost to Sir Keir Starmer which delivered a blow to the party’s left. ... which resulted in a split vote and a victory for Christina McAnea. Keir Starmer is Ignoring the Few Lessons He Could Learn From Joe Biden by Aaron Bastani Report ... Christina McAnea’s Unison Victory is a Lesson for the Left by Charlie Macnamara Opinion ‘Starmerism’ is Failing on Its Own Terms – And Members Need to Lead the Way by Callum Cant The Independent. VideoWho's behind the recent killings in Iraq? Christina McAnea, who was an assistant general secretary at the union, took 47 per cent of the vote in the race to succeed Dave Prentis, defeating candidates backed by former party leader Jeremy Corbyn and ex-shadow chancellor John McDonnell. Starmer warns of council tax ‘bombshell’ facing families PA Media ... Unison union elects Christina McAnea as its first female leader The Guardian. Keir Starmer will put forward a motion saying "all existing employment rights and protections must be maintained, ... Christina McAnea, Unison. Another assistant general secretary - Howard Beckett - complained that there were irregularities in the United Left ballot which backed Mr Turner and he will challenge for the top job from the Left. This grouping - made up of grassroots activists - is likely to morph in to a campaign to support Sharon Graham when a formal contest gets under way. Unison’s Scottish council last year backed calls for a second independence referendum. Her mother Chrissie was a school cleaner and dinner lady, and her father William, a labourer, left when she was 11. AstraZeneca-EU row escalates over vaccine shortage1, Gymnast's 'black excellence' routine goes viral2, Arrivals from Covid hotspots face hotel quarantine3, Juno actor Elliot Page to divorce Emma Portner4, Why convicting Trump just got a lot harder5, England's schools will not reopen before March6, Biden raises election meddling in call with Putin7, Boeing 737 Max cleared to fly in Europe after crashes8, Vaccine plant evacuated over suspicious package9, Bank boss gets $10m pay cut for Malaysia scandal10. Ms McAnea has represented health and social care workers during the pandemic and said the crisis had only underlined the importance of public services and the need to protect them. She said: “We lived a hand-to-mouth existence, as my mother described it. Shamefully, Keir Starmer refused to back the NEU until given the go-ahead by Boris Johnson, giving Starmer the dubious accolade of being one of the few Labour leaders to have been outflanked on the left by the Tories on workers’ rights. Unison general secretary Christina McAnea said: “It’s shocking to see that care and NHS staff are paying such a tragic price for doing their jobs. “Not all of our members are low-paid, but a large group of them are. And recent changes to how the membership elects its nine representatives to the committee are guaranteed to further weaken the Labour left’s hold. Scot becomes general secretary with 47% of vote, seeing off challengers from left of Labour movement And Sir Keir can currently rely on support from the union's representatives on Labour's ruling National Executive Committee (NEC). Starmer and the union “barons” were all on the same side. This unacceptable situation must end.” RMT has called for transport workers to be a priority for vaccination. “Whenever there is a major crisis in this country, it is always the public service workers who rise to the occasion, turning up, going into work and putting themselves at risk. He and his colleagues were not just unhappy at Mr Corbyn's treatment by the party leadership but the elevation of another Beckett - Dame Margaret - to the chair of the NEC rather than a more left-wing member, trade unionist Ian Murray. Warren Kenny, GMB. Sharon Graham and supporter Kathy Smith are both on the Left. What happens to your body in extreme heat? This must be the message ahead of the NEC elections, which are due to begin at the start of February. Read about our approach to external linking. Paddy Lillis, USDAW. “In an effort to drive down costs, you slash and burn pay and conditions for staff, which means you end up with huge vacancy levels and a huge turnover of staff. She has a strong background as a negotiator and has shown little interest in internal Labour politics, but is expected to be broadly supportive of the party's current leadership. According to its launch literature, a major theme of the Workers' Unite campaign will be to "move beyond internal Labour Party politics" and "to always prioritise the workplace". While the potential successors have agreed not to campaign openly, insiders say there has been something of a "phoney war" going on. In January 2021, she was elected as general secretary of Unison, and succeeds Dave Prentis, who is retiring after 20 years. Unlike Mr Turner, he has been an outspoken critic of Sir Keir and is one of the union's representatives on Labour's NEC. Trade Union. ... which resulted in a split vote and a victory for Christina McAnea. 11:07am, Mon 11 Jan 2021 ... Starmer urges Government to negotiate with Biden to remove whisky tariffs Thu 21 Jan. What the papers say – January 21 It feels to me that we have been behind the curve the whole time with the pandemic, with governments – particularly the Westminster government – reacting slowing to things. “Keeping the rest of us safe is putting these workers at greater risk. Christina McAnea was last week elected as the new general secretary of Unison, the first woman to head one of Britain’s big four industrial unions. “And whenever there’s an economic crisis, it feels like the Westminster government will always look to squeeze the public sector and public service workers when they’re trying to make cuts.”. “And today many of our members are in the same position. E' una vittoria del leader Labour Keir Starmer Keir Starmer calls for immediate lockdown in England as Covid cases soar ... Unison union elects Christina McAnea as its first female leader. Shamefully, Keir Starmer refused to back the NEU until given the go-ahead by Boris Johnson, giving Starmer the dubious accolade of being one of the few Labour leaders to have been outflanked on the left by the Tories on workers’ rights. Ms McAnea, who was brought up in Glasgow, the daughter of a labourer and a dinner lady, said the pandemic had also highlighted under-investment in public services. Starmer said he would work with whoever won the Scottish Labour leadership election and insisted the party would be “utterly focused” on May’s Holyrood contest despite the internal battle. The outcome of the contest could have consequences for that support. Read about our approach to external linking. She told the BBC that Sharon Graham "would be a breath of fresh air" at the top of the union. Ms McAnea said: “I think Keir has had a good first year. And she argues that Ms Graham's willingness not just to negotiate with big employers - such as British Airways - but to stand on picket lines in local disputes will help build solid support among grassroots activists. She said: “We want to see continued investment in public services and we want to see public sector workers recognised and rewarded fairly for what they’re doing. Next week, I'm told, a new grouping in the union will be formed - Workers' Unite. This time round that may not be the case, but again that would be entirely for our members in Scotland.”. One of the leading figures behind Workers' Unite is Kathy Smith, a member of the union's executive representing local government workers. Many are still exhausted from the first wave and are going through it all over again. That is likely to be met with relief by those around Sir Keir. McAnea was elected with 47% of the vote, with the remaining 53% of the vote being split across 3 differing left-wing candidates. On Monday, the new general secretary of the UK's biggest union - Unison - will be announced. “But I didn’t campaign specifically on ‘vote for me because I’m a woman’ as I thought it was obvious that’s what I am. Sarà a capo di Unison, la federazione con 1,4 milioni di iscritti nel settore pubblico. McAnea, una donne eletta nel maggior sindacato inglese . This unacceptable situation must end.” RMT has called for transport workers to be a priority for vaccination. McAnea was previously one of the assistant general secretaries (and responsible for collective bargaining and negotiation). Campaigning father asks why ministers have redacted key report into the working hours of doctors, Arlene Foster criticises police and Sinn Fein over republican funeral scenes, The NHS and care workers who have died during the coronavirus pandemic, Union urges £2,000 pay rise for NHS workers, Spurs duo Ben Davies and Matt Doherty struggling for Liverpool clash, Man sought over abusive comments to hospital staff, People to light candles as royals and footballers among those marking Holocaust, Stuart Hogg looking forward to ‘tasty’ Six Nations opener with England, Jim Allister: Northern Ireland should freeze co-operation with Republic. Biden to halt new drilling on federal lands, Boeing 737 Max cleared to fly in Europe after crashes, Why convicting Trump just got a lot harder, When your 'pandemic puppy' doesn't work out, Dave Grohl: 'I dreamt I was shot in the back', The comic in jail for jokes he didn't crack, A raccoon, pony and other White House pets. Starmer l’ha appoggiata per tutta la sua campagna, resasi necessaria dopo le dimissioni dell’ex leader della union, Dave Prentis, che aveva appoggiato Sir Keir nella corsa alla leadership del Partito. She is the union's executive officer for "organising and leverage", who has overseen successful industrial disputes and would be the first female general secretary were she to succeed. Christina McAnea, who was an as­sis­tant gen­eral sec­re­tary at the union, took 47 per cent of the vote in the race to suc­ceed Dave Pren­tis, de­feat­ing can­di­dates backed by for­mer party leader Jeremy Cor­byn and exshadow chan­cel­lor John Mc­Don­nell. Unison, the UK's biggest trade union, will have a woman at its helm for the first time. Video. “What has been so obvious to me, and I hope it has been for others and politicians, is that without public service workers we would never get through something as drastic as this. 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