. The April 2016 report “ Survival Estimates for the Passage of Spring-Migrating Juvenile Salmonids through Snake and Columbia River Dams and Reservoirs, 2015 ”, which was prepared by NOAA for BPA, showed just how bad it really was. A final note: during the last 15 years a new set of Snake River realities has emerged. . This decision impacts the operations at the lower four Snake River dams by requiring the dams to spill more water, decreasing the electrical output of the dams and estimating an increase in cost of 2-3 percent. Let’s take a closer look. U.S. Judge Keen On Possible Dam Removal. If the Snake River dams were breached, wild salmon could recover, while ratepayers would pay the same or slightly lower rates for non-hydropower energy alternatives. While this paper describes some of the economic, financial, and biological reasons for breaching the LSRDs, its primary purpose is to show . Simpson’s assault on these problems won’t be easy. The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) loses millions of dollars each year from the Lower Snake River Dams. Breaching the four lower Snake River dams and replacing their energy with zero‐carbon alternatives is the single biggest step we can take to secure abundant spring Chinook returns anywhere in the Pacific Northwest. But James, the Bonneville deputy director, said BPA still needs the Lower Snake River dams in its empire of energy generation to help balance power supply and … It allows for more springtime spill over dams to help juvenile salmon migrating out to the Pacific Ocean. What is … BPA is spending $100 million alone to replace half of the turbines at Ice Harbor Lock and Dam on the Snake River. Nine LSR turbines are older than 45 years, six exceed 40 years, and the remaining nine will reach the upper end of their projected useful lives by 2025. Once past Lower Granite Dam 30 miles west of Lewiston, over 5,000 miles of America’s best salmon and steelhead spawning rivers and streams await them. Historically, BPA has beefed up its bottom line with sales of surplus power on the spot market; that is, power not contracted to preferred customers such as public utility districts. “What that means is that in very low-water years, taking those dams out removes a significant — about 6 percent — of Bonneville’s resources. Conservation and fishing groups say the federal government’s newest plans to manage dams and protect salmon is inadequate. Recent below-normal temperatures have underscored the value of the Snake River dams as a Northwest power resource. READ ON. BPA funded Kintama Research is simply trying to create a debate in order to keep the Snake River dams in place. Controversy Far From Over. In a third scenario, BPA could acknowledge the major changes occurring in the power markets, the serious aging of the LSR dams’ infrastructure, and the dramatic decline of Snake River salmon and steelhead with no meaningful progress toward the recovery of threatened and endangered species. As they always have been, the Snake River dams were an important part of the Northwest’s power resource mix during the recent cold snap. This page location is: BPA.gov - Bonneville Power Administration Federal agencies have finalized a plan that will keep the Snake River Dams in place. This page location is: BPA.gov - Bonneville Power Administration . These dams will be breached in the future due to the economics. 2. Das Kraftwerk Lower Granite (englisch Lower Granite Lock and Dam) ist ein Laufwasserkraftwerk im Bundesstaat Washington, USA.Es ist die 15. The expenditure of billions of ratepayer dollars has not saved threatened and endangered Snake River salmon and steelhead. BPA also recently announced a likely 2% surcharge to recover costs associated with increased “spill” ordered by a federal court to assist juvenile fish passage. As part of ongoing litigation on Columbia River System Operations (CRSO), Bonneville and the Corps are providing information to National Wildlife Federation (NWF) on certain planned projects at the four Lower Snake River dam and reservoir projects through the end of the CRSO National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process (September 24, 2021). . 1. With that dismal outlook, we must consider the issue of the four lower Snake River (LSR) dams. Since the turn of the 21st century, cheap natural gas has resulted in the addition of over 5,000 annual Megawatts (aMW) of power to the Pacific PNW grid. At $46 million each, the total price for rehabbing twenty-four turbines on the lower Snake would be over one billion dollars—all to be borne by BPA ratepayers. Anlage in der Kette von insgesamt 18 Stauanlagen und Wasserkraftwerken am Snake River, einem linken Nebenfluss des Columbia Rivers.Der Snake River bildet an dieser Stelle die Grenze zwischen dem Garfield und dem Whitman County. Linwood Laughy Moscow, Idaho lochsalaughy@yahoo.com. This scenario would call for stretching out the current federal court-ordered NEPA/EIS process, challenging the need for and benefits of additional spill for juvenile fish passage, and unquestionably supporting the 4 LSR dams as long as possible. FR/EIS - Lower Snake River Juvenile Salmon Migration Feasibility Report/Environmental Impact Statement or Lower Snake River Feasibility Report, conducted by the USACE in 2002 In Fig. BPA – Bonneville Power Administration DREW – Drawdown Regional Economic Workgroup Ecosystem Services – Benefits people derive from nature, free of charge. On June 25, 2020, Benton PUD Board of Commissioners passed a resolution in support of the Federal Columbia River Power System and the Four Lower Snake River Dams. The lower Snake River dams are Ice Harbor, Lower Monumental, Little Goose, and Lower Granite. Burdened by a 33% overhead cost not experienced by its competitors, falling demand for its product, and fish recovery requirements it cannot meet, BPA faces stark challenges. They point to a 2017 report from the Fish Passage Center — an independent research entity funded by BPA by law — that concluded removing four dams on the Lower Snake River, increasing spill over other dams, would lead to a fourfold increase in the number of fish. 6. Federal agencies have finalized a plan that will keep the Snake River Dams in place. Bonneville and the Corps are providing information on three categories: 1) Capital Hydropower Improvement Projects; 2) Columbia River Fish Mitigation (CRFM) Projects; and 3) Other Non-Power Capital Projects (e.g. Under a new agreement, Bonneville Power Administration will adjust its spill policies on dams in the Snake and the Columbia rivers … In Fig. Waiting for that to happen on its own will likely doom some Snake River wild salmon and steelhead populations. Here is what BPA found: 1) It will cost BPA’s ratepayers $400 million to $550 million a year to replace all the power capabilities lost through breaching the lower Snake River dams. The “legal requirements” BPA cites as another cause for its rising wholesale power price are primarily mitigation costs for the loss of fish and wildlife caused by the federal dams, including Snake River salmon and steelhead. BPA markets an approximate total of 82,000,000 Megawatt hours (MWh) of electricity each year from all its sources for about $3 billion. It’s simply a matter of time before the federal agencies admit it. 1,190 aMW Together, the four Snake River dams supply 12 percent Specifically, the letters request clarification from the BPA on eight questions no later than June 1, 2017. In 2010 BPA’s average preferred customer wholesale electricity rate was $26.82 per Megawatt hour (MWh). BPA’s 2018-2023 Strategic Plan 01.2018. The price of power on the spot market touched $58 per Megawatt hour (MWh) in 2008, hovered around $30 per MWh 2010-2014, and dropped into the low $20s by 2016. While it’s great when it is available, the wind can’t be relied on to blow at the precise time the region needs power and it’s also tremendously variable; during the worst of the cold weather, wind generation ranged from 3,370 MW to 74 MW. BPA’s surplus power sales in 2012 totaled $348 million. . After four years of study, the Record of Decision makes the federal agencies’ preferred option official. The dams span about 110 river miles of the lower Snake, from near its confluence with the Columbia River. Now, they’re ready to sue. By early August, river flows have fallen dramatically. The accords prohibit those who sign on from supporting lower Snake River dam breaching, the universally accepted best way to recover endangered salmon. . Some groups fighting for the survival of the Columbia–Snake River Basin’s salmon are taking a more limited approach to dam removal, asking BPA to get rid of only a select few. On Friday, the federal government released it’s Final Environmental Impact Statement regarding the four lower Snake River dams. The dams have a benefit-to-cost ratio of 15¢ on the dollar. Snake River Dams (LSRDs) — but BPA has chosen to await the results of a federal court-ordered Environmental Impact Study due in 2021 to determine the LSRDs’ fate. The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) was created by the federal government in 1937 to market and transmit the electricity generated by the 31 dams on the Columbia River and it’s tributaries, as well as the Hanford nuclear power plant in Washington. In 2007, BPA had financial reserves of $917 million. Almost all industries that once used the LSR for freight transportation have abandoned the river, and freight volumes have declined by over 50%. Now, they’re ready to sue. If Kintama were correct that dams do not harm fish, we would not see salmon populations rebounding in many rivers where dams have been removed, such as on the Elwha River here in Washington and the Rogue River in Oregon. Northwest Resource Information Center’s Investigation of Waste of Federal Funds and Violations of Other Federal Laws by Bonneville Power Authority 2.26.2013 Worse, the main reason BPA and the Army Corps of Engineers want to keep the dams is bureaucratic arrogance and pride. It is our opinionefficiency and demand response measures along with clean , hydropower can be implemented together to reach Washington’s clean energy goals. In the event of an extended cold snap or another power plant shutting down unexpectedly, the lower Snake dams can produce in excess of 2,650 MW of energy over a sustained period of 10 hours per day for five consecutive days. Dams provide more than 4% to BPAOne of the most confusing issues is the repeated statement the lower Snake River dams only contribute 4% to BPA’s total. The four Lower Snake River dam and reservoir projects are Ice Harbor, Lower Monumental, Little Goose and Lower Granite and are located in eastern Washington. Recent below-normal temperatures have underscored the value of the Snake River dams as a Northwest power resource. . Keeping them is just bad business. Lower Snake River Dams (LSRDs). July 31, 2020. Such a plan would also logically call for a financial commitment to the timely rehabilitation of all 24 LSR turbines—as noted above, a huge, long-term ratepayer-funded financial commitment. In its 2002 Lower Snake River Juvenile Salmon Migration Feasibility Report, the Walla Walla District of the Corps of Engineers stated that the 24 turbines in the LSR dams each has a useful life of 35-45 years. The Corps has budgeted turbine rehabilitation at McNary Dam on the Columbia for $46 million per unit. Two turbines (Ice Harbor) are presently being rehabbed at a cost approaching $100 million. The 2020 spring spill operation, a critical time for migrating juvenile fish, is nearing its seasonal end on the Columbia and Snake rivers. This decision impacts the operations at the lower four Snake River dams by requiring the dams to spill more water, decreasing the electrical output of the dams and estimating an increase in cost of 2-3 percent. Like LSR freight transportation over the past 20 years, in this scenario power production would steadily decline, further undermining claims about the importance of the dams in the PNW power grid. The Northwest Power and Conservation Council’s 7th Power Plan, released in 2016, acknowledged a 16% power surplus in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) and concluded that any increased demand over the next 20 years will be made up entirely through conservation. The future of salmon and steelhead runs in Idaho, both wild and hatchery, greatly depends upon the presence of a fish-friendly migratory corridor for both juvenile and adult salmon and steelhead. The agency might further recognize the plight of endangered southern resident killer whales in the Salish Sea, starving to extinction without an adequate supply of Chinook salmon. . Reputable studies have concluded that the biggest factor in the continued decline of Snake River salmon and steelhead is the hydroelectric system of dams. That 50% figure does not include further loss due to avian predation below Bonneville Dam and what fish biologists call delayed mortality caused by the cumulative impact of passage through 8 dams and reservoirs. . In the report, the Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation and BPA called for spilling more water over the dams at strategic times to help fish migrate faster.The three agencies said they looked at balancing the needs of the environment as well as the … . Fitch Ratings called attention to the predictable results of BPA’s long-delayed asset investments. Das Kraftwerk Lower Monumental (englisch Lower Monumental Lock and Dam) ist ein Laufwasserkraftwerk im Bundesstaat Washington, USA.Es ist das 16. It is part of an extensive system of dams on the Columbia and Snake Rivers.. It’s simply a matter of time before the federal agencies admit it. The four Lower Snake River Dams are man-made structures with a finite lifetime. However, even greater costs loom on the horizon. . To replace that, they are going to put in 4,500 megawatts of renewable resources. CREDIT: BPA . The fight over salmon and dams on the Columbia and Snake rivers could be going back to the courtroom. 4. On Friday, the federal government released it’s Final Environmental Impact Statement regarding the four lower Snake River dams. In 2018 and into the future, with less demand and falling prices, BPA’s spot power revenues will likely continue to decline. They are economically unsustainable now. The four Lower Snake River projects have the ability to produce 3,033 MW of electricity at peak capacity for a short period of time if there is both high water storage and high river flows, according to the Lower Snake River Dams Stakeholder Engagement … Final EIS Calls For Snake River Dams To Remain. Brad Little publicly blasted the legislative branch Friday, accusing lawmakers of “playing politics” with his coronavirus emergency declaration and threatening the lives of Idahoans. Final EIS Calls For Snake River Dams To Remain On Friday, the federal government released it’s Final Environmental Impact Statement regarding the four lower Snake River dams. BPA is buying silence and fealty. BPA doesn't have that analysis for the Lower Snake River dams. Lower Snake River Dams (LSRDs). Specifically, the letters request clarification from the BPA on eight questions no later than June 1, 2017. . Notable as well, the forecast includes no funds for repair and rehabilitation of aging hatchery and fish passage facilities. Support for the Snake River Dams. The reservoir behind the dam is named Lake Celilo and runs 24 miles (39 km) up the river channel, to the foot of John Day Dam.The dam is operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and the power is marketed by the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). . They’re embarrassed to admit they screwed up. Mitigation costs in FY 2016 were $622 million, reported to be 33% of BPA’s power production costs. Four aging dams in Washington state block passage along the lower Snake River, a major migration corridor linking pristine cold water streams in central Idaho to the mighty Columbia River … FOIA request of costs on the Snake from 2012 – 2019. BPA could also acknowledge that the limited amount of power produced by the four LSR dams is not worth the economic, ecological and legal costs of maintaining them. In 2016 those sales added just $182 million to BPA’s coffers, a decline of 48%. Snake River dams produce almost as much annual average megawatts as BPA’s conservation programs have achieved in 27 years — at an investment of more than $2.3 billion: Four lower Snake River dams: . BPA support of this type of research stands in stark contrast to peer-reviewed, scientifically rigorous studies that most fish biologists endorse. . BPA administers electrical power from the Snake River dams and Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River. Now consider the following facts. 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